Patrick Föllmer
Patrick’s spiritual development began in early childhood in a Christian family in the former East Germany. In 2014, out of curiosity, he participated in his first 10-day silent retreat at the Kamala Center in Brasov. Sahaja’s teachings and practice led to an immediate experience of the unconditional love of the Spiritual Heart and awakened his curiosity to know everything about it. After doing the 2016 HTTC in Mazunte, he started to share the teachings at his home in Germany. To Patrick, the connection that arises from teaching yoga and meditation classes is as essential as practicing in solitary and dark retreats to reveal the true essence of the Self.
- 2014: 10-Day Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat at Kamala Meditation and Yoga Center in Sanpetru, Brasov, Romania
- 2015: Hridaya Yoga Retreat: Module 1 Intensive in Mazunte
- 2016: Graduated from the Hridaya Teacher Training Course in Mazunte and started teaching Hridaya Yoga and Mediation workshops and classes at Marma Ayurveda Studio, Leipzig, Germany, and Ekatra Yoga Studio Erfurt, Germany
- 2018: 17-day Dark Retreat at Kamala Meditation and Yoga Center in Sanpetru, Brasov, Romania
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