Grace Bryant
Grace Bryant (they/them) offers Hridaya and Hridaya-inspired courses, silent retreats, and coaching based in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, USA. They first met Sahajananda in 2011 in Thailand and immediately knew they was a future teacher. In 2016, Grace participated in the immersive, life-changing HTTC in Mazunte and returned for the 49-day retreat in 2018.
Grace began leading silent meditation retreats with skilled collaborators and co-creators in early 2017. They currently offer traditional-style Hridaya retreats and Hridaya-inspired retreats that reach diverse, curious audiences. While they have traveled and lived around the world, they are now on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State, where they live with their young son.
Grace is passionate about bringing the non-dual teachings of the Heart into the everyday lives of their students, wherever they are on the path and however they participate in life. With an awareness of the roles of trauma, oppression, modern-life challenges, and our collective need to re-orient from individualism and capitalism towards community and compassion, they bring the awareness of the Spiritual Heart, the birthplace from which all change is possible. Grace offers online group classes and individual coaching with the attitudes and teachings of non-duality and moving beyond our conditioned, default beliefs into living with heart.
Grace is exceptionally grateful for all of the communities, colleagues, and inspiring people in their life who encourage creativity in the chaos and have taught them so many tools of radical acceptance, personal and societal dismantling, and surrender.
Find Grace’s classes, retreats, and coaching information at www.bewholebehappy.com. Silent retreats are also listed at www.hridayanorthwest.com. They also have teaching and meditation videos on YouTube and meditation recordings on Insight Timer. Contact Grace at grace@beweholebehappy.com.
Category: International
Upcoming Programs by Grace Bryant

4-Day Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat in the USA
Grace Bryant invites you to experience a new depth of awareness and connection with your True Self over Memorial Day weekend this year! The Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat is an invitation to discover the joy of being quiet, to remove yourself from everyday distractions, to peel away layers of the ego, and to find peace […]

4-Day Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat in the USA
Grace Bryant invites you to experience a new depth of awareness and connection with your True Self over Labor Day weekend this year! The Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat is an invitation to discover the joy of being quiet, to remove yourself from everyday distractions, to peel away layers of the ego, and to find peace […]