Eva Rodenbusch-Mohr
Eva has always been called by a profound intuition that there is more to life than what we commonly believe. Thirsting for more depth and truth, she followed this inner calling and feels blessed that life guided her to Hridaya Yoga in 2018.
Since then, she has been a dear Hridaya family member, ever-deepening her commitment to unveiling the inherent freedom and nature of all beings. Sincerely wishing to share the ground-shaking truth that Hridaya, the Heart, keeps revealing to her, she aspires to spread the seeds of unconditional love, surrender, and the freedom of awareness that touched her so deeply.
Dedicated to serving all beings in coming in touch with the reality of the Heart, she continues her journey at our center in France, where she teaches Hridaya Yoga Retreats and 3-Day Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreats.
Category: Center Teachers
Upcoming Programs by Eva Rodenbusch-Mohr

3 Tage Hridaya Schweige-Meditationsretreat
*Note: this retreat will be held in the German language "Lass einfach alles Suchen fallen, richte deine Aufmerksamkeit nach innen und opfere deinen Geist dem Einen Selbst, das im Herzen deines Wesens strahlt.” -Ramana Maharshi Dieses Retreat ist eine Einladung, die Freude des Innehaltens zu entdecken. Lass alltägliche Ablenkungen zurück, löse dich von den Schleiern […]

3-Day Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat in Portugal
"I felt in need of a great pilgrimage, so I sat still for three days." –Hafiz Join Hridaya teacher Eva Rodenbusch-Mohr for a 3-day immersion into the silence of the Heart. During this retreat, we will explore the foundations of the meditation practice, discovering the joy of Stillness and the intimacy of the Heart. We […]

10-Day Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat in Portugal
"I felt in need of a great pilgrimage, so I sat still for three days." –Hafiz Join Hridaya teachers Ricky Marticorena and Eva Rodenbusch-Mohr for a 3-day immersion into the silence of the Heart. During this retreat, we will explore the foundations of the meditation practice, discovering the joy of Stillness and the intimacy of […]

3-Day Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat in Portugal
"I felt in need of a great pilgrimage, so I sat still for three days." –Hafiz Join Hridaya teachers Ricky Marticorena and Eva Rodenbusch-Mohr for a 3-day immersion into the silence of the Heart. During this retreat, we will explore the foundations of the meditation practice, discovering the joy of Stillness and the intimacy of […]