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Beata Kucienska

While looking for meaning, I studied clouds, lightning, children’s stories and secrets in the eyes of cats. I came to Mexico City for one year to work as a volunteer and stayed ten years because of love. Mexico turned out to be a universe impossible to understand and my heart expanded by learning to love without understanding. I found Hridaya Yoga “by accident” and this encounter resulted in a revolution. I left my stable life in the city and dove into the world that I understood even less than the Mexican universe. This adventure continues. The Mystery of Stillness seduced me and I follow its silent whisper.

Beata is a frequent contributor to the Hridaya Blog. You can read her posts here.

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Upcoming Programs by Beata Kucienska

Writing from the Heart Online Sessions

Open Dates

Writing from the Heart is a union of Hridaya Meditation, inner child processing, reading inspiring poetry, and writing to discover yourself and your path in life. Read blog posts by Beata on the Hridaya website.