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Shakti Heart Women's Retreat

Alison Bond

January 24 - 26, 2020

  • $180.00 – Program Price

Course Fee: $180 USD (Accommodation and meals extra)

A Women’s Retreat of Heart-Based Tantric Femininity with Alison Bond

Your intuition tells you that you’re naturally a radiant feminine force of love. Yet, in a culture that can fear and suppress the power of The Feminine, you’ve been taught to dim your light.
It’s time to embrace that light. It’s time to rediscover the power of love that is the core of your being, and to embody it for the benefit of all. Come, reveal the radiance of your own Heart.

Join Shakti Heart!

The cultural narratives we learn and live by are often ones which alienate us from our body, sensuality, menstrual cycle, femininity, and self-love. Perhaps you’d like to live by a new narrative that feels more truthful to your own heart—one that supports you to celebrate and embrace in love all aspects of your being, without needing to push anything away.

Through inspirational lectures and practical exercises, we will explore a new paradigm of how we can relate to ourselves—one that emphasize acceptance, sacredness and love. We are often taught that all of this is to be found somewhere “out there”. Once we’re in the right circumstance or the perfect relationship; once we lose that weight or find that dream job. Only then will we find that authentic connection, peace and love that we seek.

Yet there is a deeper truth we’re never told. None of this is found outside of ourselves. It is the very nature of the core of our being, and the heart is a gateway to connect with the inner freedom and boundless love that we are.

In this 3-day retreat of tantric femininity and heart-based practices, like-minded women will come together to create a space of support and sisterhood in which we can dive deep inside and discover the light of love within. Join us, as we peel away layers of fear and limitation, connect with our Sacred Femininity, and reveal the radiance of the heart!

Topics We’ll Explore:

  • Self-love
  • Conscious menstruation
  • Feminine archetypes
  • Ancient art of the Jade Egg
  • Intimacy and sexuality as a gateway to love
  • Sacredness of the Yoni
  • Sacred dance
  • Sharing circles and sisterhood
  • Meditations for connecting with the heart


Friday & Saturday:
8:15am-1:00pm (with breakfast break for 45 minutes)

9:00am-1:00pm (eat breakfast before arrive)

No previous experience in yoga or meditation is necessary.

About the Teacher

Alison Bond

When Alison first came to yoga for its health benefits in 2010, she had no idea that the profound spiritual path unfolding before her would become a deep calling. Upon finding Hridaya Yoga in 2012, Alison knew she had discovered a school sharing authentic yogic teachings. Since that time, she has dedicated herself to exploring […]

Learn more about Alison Bond

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