3-Day Hridaya Silent Meditation Retreat in Portugal
Eva Rodenbusch-Mohr
June 12 - 16, 2025
“I felt in need of a great pilgrimage, so I sat still for three days.” –Hafiz
Join Hridaya teacher Eva Rodenbusch-Mohr for a 3-day immersion into the silence of the Heart. During this retreat, we will explore the foundations of the meditation practice, discovering the joy of Stillness and the intimacy of the Heart.
We will combine silent meditation sessions with Hridaya Hatha Yoga practice, teachings on meditation techniques, and talks on inspiring spiritual topics meant to support and bring insights to the meditation practice.
In this retreat, we will mainly explore the teachings of Self-Inquiry, as presented by Sri Ramana Maharshi. Embarking on the quest for the Self, the fundamental question, “Who am I?” Going beyond identifications and preconceived ideas, allowing the answer to be revealed in the Silence of the Heart.
Additionally, we will integrate different spiritual traditions such as Advaita Vedanta (non-duality), yoga, Sufism, Tantra, Kashmir Shaivism, and Buddhism. All these precious ancient teachings point towards the essence of our being, the essence of all that is.
The retreat will take place at the foothills of the sacred Sintra mountain, in the Lisbon area. Get to know our welcoming venue, Quinta Ten Chi, “where sky and earth meet in the Heart.”
The profits of this silent meditation retreat will be used for the creation of the “Cave of the Heart,” a small silent retreat center we dream of creating in southern Portugal (see future updates on our website for more information).
“Love says ‘I am everything.’ Wisdom says ‘I am nothing.’ Between the two, my life flows.”
–Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Website: caveoftheheartretreats.com
Email: caveoftheheart.retreats@gmail.com
About the Teacher

Eva Rodenbusch-Mohr
Eva has always been called by a profound intuition that there is more to life than what we commonly believe. Thirsting for more depth and truth, she followed this inner calling and feels blessed that life guided her to Hridaya Yoga in 2018. Since then, she has been a dear Hridaya family member, ever-deepening her […]
Learn more about Eva Rodenbusch-MohrCategories : International Events, International upcoming